Using native Facebook App's authentication to login to Azure Mobileservice in Universal Windows App
I used the "Facebook authentication" in Azure Mobile App service but it requires user to enter Facebook credential to login by default, and so I need to get the user token from native Facebook app and then pass it to Azure App service. Below is the code I used to retrieve user token from native Facebook app. It will redirect user to native Facebook App to authenticate. string fbAppId = "xxxxxxxxxx"; string fbWinAppId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"; string FacebookURL = "" + fbAppId; string callBackURL = WebAuthenticationBroker.GetCurrentApplicationCallbackUri().AbsoluteUri; string token = string.Empty; FacebookURL += "&redirect_uri=" + System.Uri.EscapeDataString(callBackURL) + "&display=popup&response_type=token&state=1&scope=email"; System.Uri startURI = new Uri(FacebookURL); System.Uri endURI = new Uri(callBackURL); var resultFB = await Windows.Sec...