SharePoint SPFx WebPart Error "There was a network problem. This may be a problem with a HTTPS certificate. Make sure you have the right certificate."
I followed up the MSDN article "Deploy your SharePoint client-side web part to a CDN" to create a client side Web Part but got following error when I added my web part to a page: "There was a network problem. This may be a problem with a HTTPS certificate. Make sure you have the right certificate." I reviewed my "deploy-azure-storage.json" file and above article again, and then realised that the "Blob container name" is not as same as my WebPart's name. Once I recreated the Blob container, and then packaged and deployed the WebPart again. My WebPart works in Web page finally! Further Study Course : Sharepoint: SPFx Development Model - It's providing clear instructions on this new SPFx framework. It delivers an example of full development workflow using Knockout.js JavaScript framework and PnP helper code. Instructor: OLEG RUMIANCEV is a full-time SharePoint ninja currently living in Biddulph, United Kingdom. His int...