
Showing posts from December, 2017

Force to open a SharePoint Online Word document using Word desktop application directly from Flow

I need to open the word document which saved in a SharePoint document library using Word desktop application not Word Online when click on the link of the document in Flow's notification email. By default, the link of the document was opened in the Word Online in browser. I found out a way to use the "ms-word:ofe|u|" before the file URL, e.g."ms-word:ofe|u|https://docUrl", and now I can open the document in Word application directly. Note: The "Link to item" in Flow contains Guid after the file URL, and you need to remove it from the link URL. I am using the function "concat('ms-word:ofe|u|',substring(triggerBody()?['{Link}'],0,int(indexOf(triggerBody()?['{Link}'],'.docx'))),'.docx') " in a variable action and so I can use it in the Flow anywhere. You can open file using Excel or PowerPoint too, for more "Office URI Schemes" please see

Resolve error "AADSTS50012: Invalid client secret is provided" in MS Flow's HTTP connector

I need to use HTTP connector in Microsoft Flow work flow to get the access token from SharePoint Online. I followed the article " Access SharePoint Online using Postman " to register the app and get the client id, client secret and tenant id. I composed the "body" section and added headers key to "HTTP" connector, and then submit the work flow by adding a new file to document library. However, it was failure with error "AADSTS50012: Invalid client secret is provided". Finally, I found out the issue is related to the none encode string of client secret value, and so I use "Variable" connector to save the client secret and other values, and used function "encodeUriComponent(...)" to encode the client secret value. The issue was gone and the HTTP call was successful to get the access token. The configuration of HTTP connector is as below screen shot. Courses for further study : Learn how to use Microsoft Flow and th...