
Showing posts from May, 2019

The most useful videos for developers from Facebook Developer Conference 2019

Facebook Developer Conference is getting more and more existing each year. This year, Facebook focus on the "Privacy", "AI", "AR", "Open Source", "Business", etc. It took long time to watch them all. As a developer, the most useful Videos I found are as below: Building the New with React, GraphQL and Relay : Open source projects like React, GraphQL and Relay are powering more and more Facebook services. In this session, we'll discuss how we use the latest features of these technologies, like React Suspense, to help deliver a high quality, modern web experience at Facebook. Using Machine Learning for Developer Productivity   At Facebook, we use machine learning to discover patterns in code and build tools that improve developer productivity. In this session, you'll learn about the tools we have built for code search, code recommendation, and automatic bug fixing.     Reliable Code at Scale     ...