
Explore Udacity Nanodegree Program - “Data Analysis” course

I would confidently say that it’s the  most valuable digital education platform  I’ve ever used after I tried a couple of similar online courses. This program offers  expert-level data skills  and basic machine learning — all within a structured 4-month program. Course Highlights: Real-world projects, taught by industry experts , provide hands-on experience that’s critical for advancing in the field of data analysis. Clear and comprehensive learning path — from basic data types, business metrics, and probability to advanced topics like A/B testing, regression, and machine learning —  invaluable . It boosted my confidence in practical statistics as a software engineer background. Fast and detailed project reviews , typically provided within 24 hours. The feedback is incredibly thorough and offers  insights that directly improve my skills and knowledge . Learning activity matrix , helping me stay on track with my schedule and ensuring consistent progress. 5. Mentor support to motivate an

Effective LLM Prompting skills

Apply best practices for crafting effective prompts to LLM are key for effective prompting to LLM . Here are the best practices. Role assignment: specifying a role for the LLM lead to a more helpful response. You can even a pply multiple roles to LLM Specificity and context: by providing context about your role and the situation and highlighting your specific concerns, you're guiding the LLM to provide specific and relevant information. Feedback to LLM:  You can effectively analyze your prompt based on the LLM response, and identify weaknesses, and points out the targeted improvements for better prompt. For example, you are a software developer and want LLM to review and debug the code errors. Your prompt can be: You are a senior Python developer and tester, I'm a junior Python developer working on a program to calculate daily interest rates. I'm encountering an error when running my code. Could you help me debug it? Here's a snippet of the code: "..."', a

"allowed_paths" in Gradio

 I need to open a video file under a Gradio chatbot app via URL: < siteURL >/file={ output_video_filename }. By default, Gradio not allows to open a file under the app folder, and so I added "allowed_paths" in "launch()" function.  Sample code as below. demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=8000, allowed_paths=["output_video.mp4"])

Error " [WinError 5] Access is denied" when running Moviepy

 I received error "PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied" when running Python code "AudioFileClip(...)" a function from "moviepy" package. My code environment: OS: Windows Python:  3.12.5 Moviepy: 1.0.3 After I investigated the issue, I found the moviepy returns "..\Lib\site-packages\moviepy" from  the code "FFMPEG_BINARY = get_exe()" in "" file. This is not the correct path points to "ffmpeg.exe" , and so I manually set the value of "FFMPEG_BINARY" to  the path of  "ffmpeg-win64-v4.2.2.exe" in "" file. FFMPEG_BINARY = r"..\\Lib\\site-packages\\imageio_ffmpeg\binaries\\ffmpeg-win64-v4.2.2.exe" Related screenshot shows the origin value from the code “FFMPEG_BINARY = get_exe()”:   After  this change, the "AudioFileClip(audio_path)" running successfully.

SSL verified certificate error when "from langchain_community.llms import Ollama"

I received below error when running the code " from langchain_community.llms import Ollama " in Python in Mac. [nltk_data] Error loading stopwords: <urlopen error [SSL: [nltk_data]     CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: [nltk_data]     unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1122)> To resolve the issue, just running below code firstly before the import. import nltk import ssl try: _create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context except AttributeError: pass else: ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context

Resolve the "scrollToView" not working in safari issue.

The   scrollToView   not working in safari, so replace it with   window.scroolto   which works in both Safari and Chrome browsers. For example, the code in TypeScript: window.scrollTo( 0, XXX (* element's  . offsetTop position );