The lesson I learn from upgrading my iPhone5 to iOS9

Recently I upgraded my iPhone5's iOS to iOS 9 version to install the latest Mobile App.
Below is the story and lesson I learnt from this upgrade.

I backup my iPhone with iTune in my old Mac before the upgrade as usual, and then I went to a local Apple store and try to upgrade my iPhone on there (by using their WiFi). Once the software was downloaded and started the installation process, I went home. Guess what happened? I can't start my iPhone again. It just stayed in black screen.

I went to and find the online support chat on there. Because my old Mac unable connect to wireless Internet to upgrade itself, and so the support guy suggested me to install the latest iTune in my Windows 8 PC. Once I installed the latest iTune, I can restore and upgrade my iPhone to iOS9 successfully. But when I plug my iPhone to old Mac again, I can't restore my previous backup to my iPhone anymore as the iTune version was too old!!!!

I got shock again, and now I have to upgrade my old Mac to OS X El Capitan version to get the latest iTune,

The lesson I learnt was doing the research before upgrade. If I knew that I can backup and upgrade my iPhone from the iTune in windows 8 PC that I can avoid above issue happen!!!


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